Email has become an essential part of our daily lives, both for personal and business purposes. It's the primary means of communication, sharing information, and conducting online transactions. However, the convenience and popularity of email have given rise to a growing number of phishing attacks, spam, email fraud, and email deliverability issues, and this is where DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) comes into play. Here, we look at what DMARC is, why it's necessary for securing and authenticating email communications, and how to implement it correctly.

Understanding DMARC

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that is a crucial defence against email phishing and spoofing attacks. DMARC helps email senders and receivers determine whether an incoming email message from a particular domain is legitimate. DMARC builds upon two other essential email authentication standards: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

SPF allows domain owners to specify which mail servers are authorised to send emails on behalf of their domain. When an email is received, the recipient's mail server can check if it matches the list of authorised servers in the SPF record. If not, systems and administrators can mark it as suspicious.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

DKIM adds a digital signature to each outgoing email, verifying its authenticity and ensuring it hasn't been tampered with during transmission. The recipient's mail server can verify the signature using a public key provided by the sending domain.

DMARC combines these authentication methods and adds an extra layer of policy enforcement and reporting.

Why DMARC Matters

Now that we have a basic understanding of DMARC let's explore why it's so crucial for email delivery and security:

1. Prevents Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks often involve impersonating a trusted entity through email. DMARC helps protect against this by ensuring that emails sent from a domain are legitimate. If a fraudulent email claiming to be from your domain is detected, it can be flagged or blocked, reducing the risk of phishing attacks.

2. Enhances Email Deliverability

DMARC ensures that legitimate emails from your domain are recognised as such by recipient mail servers. This standard improves your email deliverability rate and reduces the chances of your emails being marked as spam or ending up in the recipient's junk folder.

3. Builds Trust with Recipients

When your domain has a DMARC policy, it signals to recipients that you take email security seriously and can enhance the trustworthiness of your brand and protect your reputation.

4. Enables Reporting and Monitoring

DMARC provides detailed reports on email authentication results, allowing domain owners to monitor email traffic and identify potential issues. This data helps organisations fine-tune email authentication policies and detect unauthorised email-sending activity.

5. Supports Compliance

In some industries, Compliance with email security standards is mandatory. Implementing DMARC can help you meet these requirements and avoid penalties or legal consequences.

6. Mitigates Email Spoofing

DMARC's enforcement policies (quarantine and reject) help mitigate email spoofing, where cybercriminals impersonate legitimate senders. When DMARC rejects unauthorised emails, it stops malicious actors from using your domain for fraudulent activities.

How to Implement DMARC

To implement DMARC, you must add a DNS record to your domain's DNS configuration. This record specifies your DMARC policy, which indicates how you want recipients to handle emails that fail authentication. DMARC policies can be set to one of three options: "none" (no action), "quarantine" (put in the spam folder), or "reject" (block the email).

It's essential to implement DMARC to avoid disrupting your email delivery gradually. Start with a "none" policy to monitor email authentication results and progressively progress to "quarantine" and "reject" as you gain confidence in your email authentication setup.

DMARC Deployment Best Practices

To ensure the effective implementation of DMARC, consider the following best practices:

1. Publish a DMARC Record

Publish a DMARC record in your DNS with a "none" policy to begin monitoring. Review the generated reports to understand your email ecosystem better.

2. Gradually Adjust DMARC Policy

Once you have a clear view of your email traffic, adjust your DMARC policy to "quarantine" and eventually to "reject." This measure prevents legitimate emails from being blocked prematurely.

3. Align with SPF and DKIM

Ensure that your SPF and DKIM records are correctly configured and aligned with your DMARC policy for maximum effectiveness.

4. Monitor DMARC Reports

Regularly review DMARC reports to identify and address any issues or unauthorised email senders.

5. Implement DMARC Across Subdomains

Extend DMARC protection to all subdomains to prevent attackers from exploiting weaker subdomains to target your organisation.

6. Keep Records Updated

Stay proactive by regularly updating and maintaining your DNS records, DMARC policy, and email authentication configurations.


Implementing DMARC can be a complex process, but various DMARC tools and services can simplify the task. Here are some commonly used DMARC tools:

DMARC Analysers

DMARC analysers like EasyDMARC, DMARCian, DMARC Digests, and DMARC Analyzer provide reporting and analysis of DMARC reports. They help you interpret and act on the data collected from DMARC reports.

Email Security Solutions

Many email security solutions, such as Mimecast, Proofpoint, and Cisco Email Security, include DMARC authentication and reporting as part of their services. They offer comprehensive protection against email threats, including DMARC enforcement.

DNS Management Platforms

DNS management platforms like Cloudflare, GoDaddy, and Amazon Route 53 make it easy to configure and update DNS records, including DMARC records.

Open-Source Tools

Open-source DMARC tools like OpenDMARC and Dmarcian (free tier) offer self-hosted solutions for organisations seeking complete control over their DMARC implementation.

Consulting Services

Consulting services from cybersecurity firms and experts can assist organisations in developing and implementing a robust DMARC strategy tailored to their specific needs.


DMARC is pivotal in email security and delivery, helping individuals and organisations combat phishing attacks, enhance email deliverability, and build trust with their recipients. By implementing DMARC policies and regularly monitoring email authentication results, senders can protect their reputation and improve the overall security of their email communications. Following best practices and leveraging DMARC tools can streamline the implementation process and ensure that DMARC is an effective tool in your arsenal against email fraud and cyber threats, ultimately safeguarding your organisation's email ecosystem.