Video adds value to a website and is good for SEO, but a common problem is where to host and deploy the content. One option is to leverage Dropbox, a common file repository with the content already in the cloud. The problem is that Dropbox does not allow embedding by default. Still, it is straightforward to make content embeddable by deleting and replacing the parameter on the initial Dropbox share link. Here's how to make a Dropbox Video file embeddable as an online video.

How to embed a Dropbox Video online

  1. Go to the location of the video file in the Dropbox account.
  2. Hover your cursor over the video and click the Share button.
  3. In the pop-up, click the 'Create and copy link.'
  4. Paste the copied link into an editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ - you can use Microsoft Word or similar, and plain text format is recommended)
  5. Remove any parameters after the question mark, such as dl=0, and replace them with raw=1.
  6. Replace the Dropbox Video Link with the edited link in the following code snippet to display the Dropbox video online: -

Dropbox Video Embed Code Example 

Embedding other embeddable content, like Images, uses the same process.

This process is the same for rendering an embeddable shared Dropbox file rather than having it default as a download so that you can do the same for images.

If you prefer to keep your Dropbox separate from the web, you can upload and deploy video and other media with a file management and delivery platform such as Uploadcare